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Welcome to Co-forest

Join the dozens of companies and hundreds of individuals making a local impact

Planting more trees makes a significant difference by absorbing carbon dioxide, a major contributor to climate change, and promoting cleaner air. Additionally, trees support biodiversity, contribute to local ecosystems, and enhance overall environmental resilience.

The need to cultivate change

We’re not just jumping on the ‘plant a few trees’ bandwagon. Co-forest is investing in preserving land and creating habitat, as well as planting a woodland. Our forests are as much about creating ecological impact as they are about carbon offsetting.

  • Co-forest: Acorn

    Co-forest: Acorn

    Acorn is the first of our many Co-forests. We hosted 30 planting days with hundreds of volunteers. In total our Co-foresters donated 3000 hours of their time and helped us plant 10,000 trees across 11 acres of land.

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We’re on a mission to bring people together and create a Co-forest near their town or city. We believe that through collective action we can engage people across the UK to lead by example and plant their very own forest legacy.

Support Co-forest

Let’s talk trees

We would love to hear from you if you or your business would like to offer some in-kind expertise or support. If you’d like to get involved in the Co-forest vision, donate as a business, help us find a new co-forest site or simply discuss the project further, we’d love to hear from you.