If your team aren’t sure about crowding into a pub for lunch this Christmas, or fancies a team-building day with a difference, why not come and join us for a day of tree planting just outside Bristol?
We are planting a brand new biodiverse mix-species woodland at our ten-acre site in Almondsbury. By joining us for a day you not only get to spend time together outside in the fresh air, you also get to be part of creating a brand new woodland that will contribute to fighting climate change, boost biodiversity, and that local people will be able to use and enjoy for decades into the future.
Why do we plant in the middle of winter? Our saplings have to be planted while they are dormant – so essentially when they have gone to sleep for the winter. The UK planting season for trees is typically between November and February, so its definitely coat weather but when you’re digging and planting you soon warm up!
You don’t need any experience at all – we will show you what to do and provide everything you need to get planting. It is useful if your team can come with strong boots or wellies, and warm, waterproof clothing.
We can facilitate team days of up to 40 people, with the aim of getting between 200 – 400 tree saplings planted. We provide hot drinks and snacks at our picnic site, and you’re welcome to stick around afterwards and make use of our firepit if you want to add on a team social. You’re welcome to take photos and videos of your session to use in your marketing.
If you think your team would enjoy joining us and becoming co-foresters, then we’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email on team@coforest.co.uk and we’ll be happy to discuss suitable dates with you.
- Katrina and the Co-forest team