Yes you’ve read that title correctly. We are excited to announce that we are planting a brand-new forest within a 15 mile radius of Bath, and are now seeking collaboration with the local business community to deliver the project on a larger scale.
As one of our philanthropic schemes to celebrate the company’s 10 year anniversary, Storm Founders David and Adam announced this campaign last week at our anniversary party at The Ivy.
“As a team we found that we were very passionate about being more environmentally friendly,” David explains. “However, rather than just making traditional small changes to our business, we wanted to do something on a larger scale. So, we’ve committed to planting a forest in the local area. We’re hoping others will be inspired to help us scale the idea even further.”
The launch of our project also happened to coincide with the announcement of the TED Countdown initiative by Chris Anderson at this week’s Creative Bath event. Something that truly resonated with us throughout was Chris advocating for action not words. We look forward to helping the project achieve the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and hope others in the area are keen to get involved.
Whilst we have already pledged a minimum of £25,000 to get the project off the ground in 2020, the more we explored the idea more we realised that ‘going bigger’ gave the opportunity to create a significantly larger impact. That’s why we are now asking the local Tech, Digital and Creative communities to come on board and help us make this an even more ambitious project.
David explains: “We’ve increased our goal and hope to receive pledges totalling £100,000 (or more!) so that we can create one of the biggest tree planting initiatives in B&NES. We’re truly committed to making a difference and would love for this to be a real collaborative effort.”
Helping us so far has been the fantastic team at EcoWild, that has already undertaken the feasibility study for the project and is helping to earmark appropriate land. We are also taking advice from the West of England Nature Partnership and The Woodland Trust.
If you or your company are interested in getting involved in helping us grow a forest, please contact David Kelly on 01225 580500 or
Visit our project website
We’ve built a short website with more information regarding this project, a funding tracker so you can follow our progress, and details of how and when things will be happening. Visit the Storm Forest website now.